OneCNC opens in France

OneCNC announces that it has opened a full sales, support, and training office in France.

A recent visit to Europe by OneCNC Founder and CEO Bob Francis completed the final details for the OneCNC France opening.

The OneCNC France operation is Managed by Phillippe Gabriel and is pictured here on the left with Robert (Bob) Francis from OneCNC Australia on the right.


Work is still in progress localizing the OneCNC products for France however this is expected to be completed before year end.

OneCNC France
75 bis rue Trarieux
F-69003 Lyon
Tel: 04 72 33 38 74
Fax: 04 72 91 42 92

OneCNC at EMO 2009 Milan Italy

OneCNC exhibited at the EMO 2009 for the 6 days 5-10 October.

During the six days of the exhibition, the organizers registered 124,660 visitors, representing 99 countries from five continents. The impressive foreign attendance, representing 41% of the total, attests to the international character that has traditionally distinguished EMO MILANO.

The top place in this ranking was taken by Germany, with 12.8% of total international visitors, followed by America, the Czech Republic, Finland, France, Japan, India, Poland, Russia and Switzerland.

Alongside the consolidated attendance by operators from the old continent, there was an extraordinary number of non-European visitors, 40.1% of the total international attendance.

Analysis of international attendance confirms EMO’s importance and the interest that operators all over the world have in the Italian market. Italy is currently fifth in the world rankings of consumption of production systems and second in the European panorama. The first twenty positions include as many as seven non-European countries: India, Russia, Japan, the United States, Brazil, Korea and Taiwan.


The number of attendees at the exhibition, signalled that manufacturing industry globally is again moving in the right direction. Although the exhibition was held in Milan, 60% of the exhibitors were from other countries and 40% from Italy.

Here we see Devis Todesco from OneCNC Italy demonstrating the products at the booth.

The next EMO is scheduled to be held in Hannover Germany 19 - 24 September 2011.

EMO 2011

Blue Dolphin Reduces cycle time

Blue Dolphin Engineering USA 
Experiences shorter development cycle! times with OneCNC CAD-CAM software in production. 

"We knew we had to shorten our lead times to get our products quickly, after much research we chose OneCNC. OneCNC We found our design cycle is extremely short and is now an indispensable part of our business"