OneCNC Deutschland at AMB Stuttgart

OneCNC Deutschland exhibited at AMB Stuttgart Germany 13 to 17 September 2016 at the excellent Stuttgart Messe.


Each day of the 5 day show there was a very positive atmosphere of a very successful show.for Stuttgart's AMB 2016,

In some of the fully-booked halls it was nearly impossible to walk as interested visitors were flocking in to the halls. +

Thursday marked the most visited AMB day ever recorded for the show.

This year there was a total of 1469 exhibitors and nearly 90,000 trade visitors.

Although Stuttgart is a heartland of manufacturing interestingly16% of the visitors came from abroad. 


OneCNC has a strong presence in this area and our application engineers were kept busy demonstrating the advantages of the complete range of OneCNC CAD-CAM Solutions.

OneCNC Deutschland have extensive practical expertise in all facets of CAD CAM manufacture and provide in-house training, on-line training, or on-site training for all products. OneCNC Deutchland offers on-site training in your shop manufacturing your parts.

If you were unable to attend for a personalized demonstration of the OneCNC CAD CAM Solutions we remind you that on-line demonstrations can be arranged at a convenient time so that you can evaluate first hand without leaving your shop. 

For Further Information Contact >> OneCNC Deutschland